News and Events



With lots of enthusiasm Kannada Rajyotsava Day  is celebrated on 1-11-2017 in BET Auditorium . Karnataka flag was hoisted by Mrs. Saumiya Reddy and  programme was inagurated by Mr.Mannu Baligar President Kannada Sahitya Parishat Bangaluru,  Students participated in...

Knowledge Fair – 7/11/2017

Knowledge Fair – 7/11/2017

Knowledge Fair is conducted to enhance the scientific ability and  to create interest in Science subject among the students on 07-11-2017 in BET Sufia High School  Campus. Mr and Mrs.Zubair Anwar the treasurer of Al-Ameen Scholarship committee was the chief guest for...

Science Fair – 28/9/2017

Science Fair – 28/9/2017

The Speakers Mr.Shaik Fairoz and Mr. Syed Burhan highlighted about Science Fair on 28-09-2017 for the students of BET High School to involve and create interest in Science and experimenting new ideas and concept for presenting Models for the Millath Science Fair...