News and Events
Parents Teacher Meeting – 8/11/2017
Parents Teacher Meeting of 10th std held on 8-11-2017 with Hon.Secratary. Campus director and head mistress interacted each and every parent individually and issued progress report of SA1 in Seminar hall..
With lots of enthusiasm Kannada Rajyotsava Day is celebrated on 1-11-2017 in BET Auditorium . Karnataka flag was hoisted by Mrs. Saumiya Reddy and programme was inagurated by Mr.Mannu Baligar President Kannada Sahitya Parishat Bangaluru, Students participated in...
Knowledge Fair – 7/11/2017
Knowledge Fair is conducted to enhance the scientific ability and to create interest in Science subject among the students on 07-11-2017 in BET Sufia High School Campus. Mr and Mrs.Zubair Anwar the treasurer of Al-Ameen Scholarship committee was the chief guest for...
National Children’s Science Congress – 8/11/2017
Students of BET Sufia High School participated in National Children's Science Congress conducted by Bangalore South District Science Committee in Karnataka Rajya Vijnana parishat Auditorium ,Banshankri on 08-11-2016.Students were Awarded for their Project...
Best Out of Waste – 4/10/2017
Bet Sufia High School Conducted craft competition on 04-10-2017
Robotics Workshop – 13-16th oct 2017
Mrs.Heena Anjum(M.Sc, B.ed) Science Faculty BET Sufia High School attended Robotics Workshop conducted by Millat Foundation for Health Research and Development from 13th to 16th october in Huda Boys School Kaval-Byrasandra Bangalore.
Motivational Talk by Mr.Nabeel Ahmed Baig for developing Inner Power and active thinking among teachers was held on 2nd October 2017 in BET Seminar Hall.
Brain Storming Session conducted in BET Seminar Hall on 07-10-2017 by Speaker Mr.Zaheer Ali khan to improve the quality in Education.
Science Fair – 28/9/2017
The Speakers Mr.Shaik Fairoz and Mr. Syed Burhan highlighted about Science Fair on 28-09-2017 for the students of BET High School to involve and create interest in Science and experimenting new ideas and concept for presenting Models for the Millath Science Fair...
Management Parents meeting – 25/9/2017
Management Parents meeting held on 25-09-2017 in BET Conference Hall ,Professor Ashraf Ali Retired Principal Alameen PU college Address the gathering. Most of the parents attended and interacted with Management members.