News and Events
"Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations" Parents teachers meeting was conducted at BET sufia high school on 18th of August 2022 . Progress of the students were conveyed the...
Independence day ka Amrit mohatdav week is celebrated in bet sufia high school
BET Sufia High School Independence day ka Amrit mohatdav week is celebrated by the students in the morning assembly by performing Patriotic songs speeches and drawing n painting on theme of independence day. To Commemorate India's 75th year of Independance , students...
BET Institutions ; 75th Independence day celebration
August 15th 2022, Happy Independence Day: Our Institution proudly celebrated 76th Independence day completing 75 years of freedom under the banner of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” and remembered the contribution of freedom fighters . Dignitaries who graced the occasion...
Investiture ceremony conducted at BET sufia high school Dr.HK Sudha., Principal of Al Ameen – Cheif guest
" Leaders are not born, they are made"Investiture ceremony conducted at BET sufia high school indoor stadium on 1st August 2022.Dr.HK Sudha principal of Al Ameen college of Education, was the chief guest , and the badges was pinned by her.
Teachers of BET Institutions underwent basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting at RA Mundkur Fire and Emergency Services Academy,
Nine teachers of BET Institutions underwent two days (25 & 26 July 2022) basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting at RA Mundkur Fire and Emergency Services Academy, Bangalore-29
World population Day was celebrated at Bet sufia high school
World population Day was celebrated at Bet sufia high school on 19th of July 2022.Programs such as skit was performed to create awareness about population explosion and reproductive health….
Class Activity on Moral Education by Sufia High School ,
Topic - Eid ul Adha A talk on Eid ul Adha by Moulana Mohammed Ilyas Khan, deeniyath faculty of BET Sufia High school on 8th of July 2022 at BET indoor stadium. It was a wonderful speech which gave a meaningful message to all our students about the sacrifices, the...
World Environment Day – BET SUFIA HIGH SCHOOL
World Environment Day Let us hold hands and walk together towards a safe and healthy environment. Save our planet Wonderful paper Art work was done by the students of Bet sufia high school....
Millat Scholars Award for Excellance – SSLC 2022
MFERD - Millat foundation for education research and development in association with Millat Scholars Acadamy are organized felicitation program to felicitate all SSLC / Xth 2022 students who have scored above 85%, 11 students of BET Sufia High School were...
Mrs. Fouzia Tabassum felicited by MILLATH SCHOLARS award for most centum in subject English
Mrs. Fouzia felicited by MILLATH SCHOLARS award for most centum in subject English in felicitation program organised by MFERD