Proud moment for BET Sufia High school as they won inter school Rolling memorial shield
Indeed in the ( blessed life of) messenger of Allah Mohammed (s.a.w) You have the best model to follow ( surah al Ahzab) BET sufia high school participated in Inter school seerat un nabi competition on 7th November 2024. Our students won 2nd and 3rd prize with B Abdul...
2nd Prize “International Bazm e urdu competition ( Dubai)”
"If you are a true warrior, competition doesn't scare you, it makes you better " A proud moment for BET Sufia High school.The students participated in Bazm e urdu, International Dubai Comp
An innovative program where Cultural and literary competitions are conducted at cluster, block, and District and State levels.PRATIBHA KARANJ
An innovative program where Cultural and literary competitions are conducted at cluster, block, and District and State levels.PRATIBHA KARANJI Students of BET Sufia High school participated in various events and won 5 prizes Hindi speech 1st prize English speech 1st...
Seerah means Islamic science the study of life of the holy prophet mohammed (saw)
BET sufia high school organised Inter school seerat un nabi competition on 19th of September 2024. Around 10 schools participated and BET won 2nd and 3 Rd prizes. And 1st prize was on by Wisdom International school..
” Leaders are not born , they are made”.
BET sufia high school conducted an Investiture ceremony on 12th September 2024. The chief guest for the day was Mrs Fareeda Rehmathulla, founder of Holy Mother schools. Badges were pinned and oath was read by the leaders.
“Competition is the fuel that ignites innovation: Competition can help drive progress and lead to breakthroughs”
"Competition is the fuel that ignites innovation: Competition can help drive progress and lead to breakthroughs"Students of BET Sufia High school participated in National level quiz competition organised by Union Bank on 23/8/2024.
Independence day celebration
15.08.2024The Independence day celebration at the college was held on 15th August 2024, with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. The event was attended by students, faculty members and staff of the college. The celebration began with a flag-hoisting ceremony by...
” Welcome” We welcome you all,In the name of Freshers,Giving best wishesFor your brightest future,Work hard study smart,Believe in your self,Never forget your path.
Students of BET SUFIA HIGH SCHOOL welcomed the juniors on 13th July 2024. Students performed various activities such as skit,and a speech with words of support and enthusiasm. Students were also given welcome gifts by seniors.
“Vote for a man who promises least he will be the least disappointing”
BET Sufia High school conducted a students election for the academic year 2025-25 on 8th July 2024. Students were elected for a total of 8 posts and also class representatives. Results were announced on the same day.
“You are the key to a cleaner and pollution-free air”.
BET Sufia High school celebrated World Environmental Day on 5th June 2024. Students took part in collage making and presented a speech.