
Karnataka Rajyotsava was celebrated on 1st November 2023 at BET Campus

Karnataka Rajyotsava was celebrated on 1st November 2023 at BET Campus

Kannada Rajyothsava was celebrated with full zeal and zest in the campus. Dr S.K Karim Khan, renowned Kannada Poet and Folklorist was remembered on the occasion for his contribution to Kannada Language. Students showcased their talent and exhibited their love for...

Fresher Party 2023-24

Fresher Party 2023-24

I puc students were welcomed by II PU students by organising fresher's party on 22nd July 2023. I PU students were Welcomed to event with a small gifts. Games, gymnastics and drama (on a dream recited by Huzoor SAW) were performed by II PUC . The event was concluded...