Bet institution organized cultural fest for the teachers on 28.08.19 to exhibit the hidden talents.

Various competitions such as qirath, naath, cooking without fire, collage, fancy dress, and ghazal.respective teachers took part. judges based on their performance, exhibition and work of art .accordingly announced the winner of the events.

  1. Cooking without fire -2nd prize Mrs. .iffath jahan [Dept of Urdu]
  2. Fancy dress -3rd prize Ms.saubiah shabeer ahmed [Dept of English]
  3. Qirath – 1st prize Mrs. .ghazala hasmath [Dept of Deeniyat]
  4. Naath -1st prize Mrs. .sayeera uzma. [Dept of Physics]

.2nd prize Mrs. ghazala  hasmath [Dept of Deeniyat]

3rd prize Mrs.iffath jahan.   [Dept of Urdu]

  1. Ghazal – 2nd prize Mrs. .iffath jahan [Dept of Urdu]

3rd prize Mrs. .ghazala  hasmath   [Dept of Deeniyat]